
We have been working arduously on our final project. 

David has a good handle on the controls aspect. 

Naoki has been researching the Israeli study on increasing the lift coefficient. He expects to have his research completed soon and will begin working on his final presentation.

Basil is working on designing a phase shifter in AutoCad. He has been working with possible designs.

We shall have no problem meeting the word count requirements and we are pushing to have the majority of our paper written by tonight. The plan is to submit pieces of our report to Jennifer Lehman tomorrow at the latest. 
We are near completion of our final report. 

The report was compiled last week and has been read over twice to make each section flow with the other. 
We have sent Jennifer Lehman excerpts of our report; her comments have been implemented already.  
We will be ready to begin practicing our final presentation by tonight at the latest.
Final Oral Presentation
