Flight Control Systems (Spring 2016), ASE 370L

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Time: Mon & Wed 11am-12:30pm
Room: WRW 102
Instructor: Ufuk Topcu, email
Office hours: ??? and by appointment.


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Date Subject Notes Assignments
1 Aug 27 Logistics, intro and overview slides
2 Sep 1 Modeling & finite transition systems slides
3 Sep 3 No class cancelled
4 Sep 8 Specifications (1) -- linear-time properties slides
5 Sep 10 Specifications (2) -- automata-based representations slides
6 Sep 15 Specifications (3) -- temporal logic slides HW 1
7 Sep 17 Model checking (1) slides
8 Sep 22 Model checking (2) & closed-system synthesis slides
9 Sep 24 Closed-system synthesis & demo EC2 instructions
10 Sep 29 Probabilistic verification (1) -- DTMCs slides
11 Oct 1 Probabilistic verification (2) -- MDPs slides HW 2
12 Oct 6 Project presentations (1)
13 Oct 8 Open-system synthesis (1) slides HW 2'
14 Oct 13 Open-system synthesis (2) slides
15 Oct 15 Open-system synthesis (3) slides (con't)
16 Oct 20 In-class, hands-on exercises slides (con't), TuLiP on EC2, synthesis examples
17 Oct 22 Hybrid systems -- modeling & overview slides HW 3
18 Oct 27 Abstraction-based verification slides
19 Oct 29 Abstraction-based control (1) slides
20 Nov 3 Abstraction-based control (2) slides (con't) HW 4
21 Nov 5 Abstraction-based control (3) slides (con't)
22 Nov 10 Techniques for scaling slides
23 Nov 12 Optimization primer slides
24 Nov 13 Project presentations (2)
25 Nov 19 Deductive verification (1) slides HW 5
26 Nov 24 Deductive verification (2) slides
27 Dec 1 Deductive verification (3) slides (con't) HW 6, mat file
28 Dec 3 Deductive verification (4) slides

Corrections to be made in the slides