Workshop on the Integration of Control Theory, Formal Methods, Learning and Human Factors for Autonomous Systems

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Date: April 18-19, 2015
Location: The University of Texas at Austin, The Peter O'Donnell, Jr. Building, POB 2.402 (location of the building on Google maps)
Objective: Each of the disciplines, control theory, formal methods, learning and human factors, has the potential to contribute toward affordable, trustworthy and user-friendly autonomous systems. On the other hand, the existing disciplinary boundaries often limit their impact. For example, while control theory and formal methods offer rigorous proofs of correctness with respect to rich sets of mathematically based specifications, they lack capabilities for adaptation to contextual changes. Learning offers such adaptability yet often at the expense of clear semantics for robustness and flexible high-level specifications. The disconnect of control theory, formal methods and learning from the growing human factors and modeling research complicates their acceptance by humans. We believe that tighter interactions between these disciplines is necessary. The workshop will emphasize the development of hybrid methods that blend ideas from all these disciplines and possibly others toward a unified language and toolset.
Organizers: Michael Goodrich (BYU), Laura Humphrey (AFRL), Michael Littman (Brown), and Ufuk Topcu (UT Austin)


List of participants (tentative):

  • Julie Adams (Vanderbilt University)
  • Amy Pritchett (Georgia Institute of Technology)
  • Matthew Bolton (University of Buffalo)
  • Chris Miller (Smart Information Flow Technologies)
  • Nisar Ahmed (University of Colorado)
  • Satinder Singh (University of Michigan)
  • John Laird (University of Michigan)
  • Tom Griffiths (University of California, Berkeley)
  • Marta Kwiatkowska (University of Oxford)
  • Moshe Vardi (Rice University)
  • Jose del Millan (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne)
  • Jie Fu (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
  • Jonathan Pfautz (DARPA)
  • Andrea Thomaz (The University of Texas at Austin)
  • Ruzena Bajcys (University of California, Berkeley)
  • Matthias Scheutz (Tufts University)
  • Bill Smart (Oregon State University)
  • Shie Mannor (Technion)
  • Purush Iyer (ARO)
  • Greg Trafton (Naval Research Laboratory)
  • Peter Trautman (Galois)
  • Kris Kearns (AFRL)


  • The most convenient option is the AT&T Center on campus. It can get sold out quickly.
  • The map at this URL shows a number of hotels around the campus. Most are in the band between downtown and the campus. They are accessible by bus, taxis and within a reasonable walking distance.
  • Many of the recent visitors had quite a bit of luck on for short-term accommodation nearby the campus. Another popular option is this B&B next to the campus.
  • Austin Airport is [ Uber] (and perhaps other ridesharing options) friendly.