President and Chief Operating Officer, MORI Associates
B.S. ASE 1990, The University of Texas at Austin
Dan Deans is a seasoned Executive and Program Manager within the Government Military and Aerospace domain, petrochemical, and semiconductor manufacturing equipment sectors with experience managing large global teams of nearly 1000 personnel, multiple subcontractors and at multiple CONUS and OCONUS sites. Dan also has extensive corporate management experience and subject matter expertise in several disciplines including Corporate Operations/Program/Project Management, Business/Corporate Development, Mission Assurance, Risk Management, and Systems Engineering. His responsibilities have included strategic growth planning, business development, business growth pipeline, corporate marketing, corporate infrastructure, and corporate employee satisfaction.
Dan has been part of the Executive team that led the merger of Millennium Engineering and Integration Company with QuantiTech, Dynamic Concepts Inc, and Systems Engineering Group in February 2021 to create a $580+M annual revenue, 2100+ employee enterprise. Previously, he led Millennium Engineering and Integration Company’s growth from $50+ annually to pre-acquisition revenue of $282M annually over the last 11+ years. For the last 1.5 years, Dan was Millennium’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Growth Leader, managing all corporate operations (customer facing and internal) along with Corporate growth.
Deans received his bachelor of science degree in aerospace engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. After graduation, he accepted a role with Ford Aerospace supporting NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston on the Space Station Freedom Program. He was employed by Ford and Loral Space Information Systems (via acquisition) for five years in various capacities, including lead engineer and engineering supervisor at NASA JSC.
In 1995, Deans began serving as lead engineer with Lam Research in Freemont, California where he assisted with the design of semiconductor manufacturing equipment. He returned to NASA JSC as a deputy program manager and program manager in the late-1990s, where he stayed until he joined The Dow Chemical Company as Global Reliability Leader in July of 2000. At Dow, Dan led a group of 25 engineers and managers at six global sites including Brazil, Germany, South Africa, Texas and Louisiana. The charter of this group was to improve productivity, which over a five year period, they were successful accomplishing, as plant production improved to over 96% of capacity. Deans has spent the last 14+ years in the National Capital Region as a Vice President for ManTech International and Millennium Engineering and Integration Company.
He is a Six Sigma Black Belt and serves in volunteer capacities on several national committees. Deans enjoys spending time with his wife and family, flying (he is a private pilot currently working to achieve an instrument rating), and playing guitar in his church worship band.
Deans is happily married to Cathy and they have four beautiful children, Kayleigh, Paige, Collin and Jonathan.