
Computational Engineering B.S. Degree Offered in U.S.


of Undergraduates are Women


Average Starting Salary

Where Our Graduates Work

Since our program is still relatively new, career placement information is changing each year. Of the students already graduated, placement has included aerospace, medical, financial and other industries.  See our list of companies where our students work.

Cutting-edge Curriculum

As the first undergraduate computational engineering degree program in the United States, UT Austin has designed an accredited undergraduate curriculum that includes engineering and science fundamentals, advanced mathematics, software engineering design, and more. Learn how this major is different from computer science and computer engineering.

Vibrant Community

While UT Austin is a large place, COE is a close-knit community sharing a home base in the ASE building. There are over 30 full-time faculty and under 100 undergraduate students.  Students participate in a variety of student projects and organizations as well as undergraduate research. Free tutoring with Engineering tutors is available.

5-Year Integrated COE Degree Program

The University of Texas at Austin now offers students the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Computational Engineering (COE) and Master of Science degree in Computational Science, Engineering, and Mathematics (CSEM) in 5 years total. Learn more about this new program.