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Office Location: ASE 5.234
Jan Fuhg
Assistant Professor
Department Research Areas:
Computational Engineering
Solids, Structures and Materials
Ph.D., Cornell University
Research Interests:
- Scientific Machine Learning
- Computational Mechanics
- Solid Mechanics
- Scientific Computing
Fuhg's research focuses on the development of methods for data-driven computational science and scientific machine learning. He currently works on theoretical and computational tools for modeling and forecasting the mechanics of materials across different length and time scales. Additionally, he is interested in reliability analysis, uncertainty quantification, and the design of experiments.
Fuhg joins the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics in the spring semester of 2024. Before that, he received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Cornell University in 2023 and a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computational Engineering at the University of Hannover, Germany.