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Office Location: ASE 5.240
Jamie Huffman
Assistant Professor of Practice
Program Director, Texas Rocket Engineering Laboratory (TREL)
Education: B.S., Aerospace Engineering, Florida Institute of Technology; M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Bio: Professor Huffman spent the last 12.5 years at SpaceX before joining the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics in July 2024. Throughout her time at SpaceX she was a responsible engineer for Falcon Stage 2 and numerous components. She later was a director for Software Engineering, as well as, a director for Stage Propulsion Systems. During her time at SpaceX, she participated in numerous monumental launches including the first mission to the ISS, first landing (land and sea), first fairing catch, first heavy mission, first time flying humans, and most recently soft landing Starship Booster and Ship. Huffman has extensive fluid system design expertise, on-console experience, and a deep understanding of software development. She is excited to share her experiences with students and help develop the next generation of rocket engineers.