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Office Location: ASE 5.216
Jayant Sirohi
M.J. Thompson Regents Professorship in Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics
Department Research Areas:
Solids, Structures and Materials
Ph.D., University of Maryland at College Park
Research Interests:
- Active materials, sensors and actuators
- Smart structures, multifunctional structures
- Energy harvesting
- Micro/unmanned aerial vehicles
- Vertical Lift Aircraft
- Fixed-wing and rotary-wing aeroelasticity
- Experimental aerodynamics and structural dynamics
Before joining the Cockrell School of Engineering in Fall 2008, Dr. Sirohi worked at Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation where he was a Staff Engineer in the Advanced Concept group. There he was involved with the conceptual design of next generation vertical take-off aircraft, as well as the performance enhancement of existing rotorcraft using advanced technologies. At UT Austin, Dr. Sirohi works on projects related to smart material sensors, experimental aerodynamics and structural dynamics, energy harvesting and rotary-wing aeroelasticity. He is the Principal Investigator of the Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence funded by U. S. Army, Navy and NASA (2011-2016 and 2016-2021).