Events Calendar
Special Seminar
Harrington Fellow Symposium: Scientific Machine Learning for Computational Mechanics
- Friday, May 16, 2025
Avaya Auditorium, POB 2.302
Over the past two decades, improvements in computational power, software, and data availability have significantly expanded the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in engineering applications. Initially prominent in image processing and informatics, AI methods are now increasingly applied to directly solve ordinary and partial differential equations (ODEs, PDEs) and constitutive equations in computational mechanics. For example, neural networks have been trained to emulate or replace traditional physics solvers and closed-form energy potentials. Other machine learning (ML) techniques, such as Gaussian processes, reduced order models, and automated model discovery, have also been adopted and further developed to work specifically in the context of computational mechanics.
The symposium objective is to bring together the leading experts in scientific machine learning for computational mechanics and synthesize directions for research and education in the United States in this field of science over the next decade and beyond.
Please visit our webpage for more information, including keynote speakers and RSVP.
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